Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12th - Caleb Durward's Bant

It's pretty rare that I build and play something that someone else made for Legacy; I like my brews.  But when a single person does enough testing and is articulate enough about it, you have to take notice:

You can call it anything you like, but I'll keep calling it Bantlanta.  This deck operates in somewhat of the same way that the Zenith Zoo from last week did: have a turn 1 accelerator, follow it with a 3 drop or a 2 drop with Wasteland, or get yourself a 4 drop on turn 3.  This one plays significantly less removal than Zoo (to be fair, everyone plays less removal than Zoo), but it has several trumps.

Stoneforge Mystic - Sword and Jitte are still awesome.  Considering the mana boosts and the high creature count, this is very nice to see.

Vendilion Clique - Evasion for the equipment.

Sower of Temptation - Clear up some sideboard space, I board this in a lot.  It's nice to see it in the main.

However, the most interesting card in the deck isn't even in the main: it's the Mirran Crusaders in the board.  Yes, it has protection from the majority of the format's creatures.  Yes, with Equipment it kills at the same speed as Progenitus.  No, Progenitus can't block this guy.

I might be modifying the list just a little bit before playing it though - me being a Legacy community contributor, I'm loaning out cards, and in return borrowing cards might not be able to find everything.  That's life.


1 comment:

Gandhi said...

Despite me being unable to cast Force of Will for free multiple times across the tournament, the deck was kind of a success.

It appeals to my sense of attacking people.