About Us

The Rusty Machete is a group of twenty-something year old Magic players based out of the Ann Arbor, Michigan area.

We have a facebook fanpage at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Rusty-Machete/118580011520229?v=wall&ref=ts Become a fan today!

All card images displayed are property of Wizards of the Coast.

Kelley "WhatALuckyTopdeck" Belenky
Forte: Limited
Role: Chairman of the Apparatus
For Reals: 25 year old Nuclear Engineer at Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant
Additional Info:  The self-titled 'King of Greed' is back in town! I once snap kept Swamp, Guul Draz Vampire, Gatekeeper of Malakir, and 4 blue cards on the draw. I am the most emotional player out of the group; my draftcap comments are some of the most exciting things you'll see north of the Mason-Dixon Line. I am also an active member of the MTGS Limited forum (user SolonJhee) and active CEO of 'Team Real'.
Previous Accomplishments: I once let Mike Shentu take back a mulligan (after he already said he was going to) in the T4 of a 100+ person sealed event because I am too nice.  Guess how bad he beat me after that?  Kenji would have approved.

Jacob "jayelk" Elkon
Forte: Drafting
Role: The idea for this blog came to me in a dream (daydream when I was supposed to be learning bones).
For Reals: I used to attend The University of Michigan, but graduated last year and now am in medical school in my home state of Georgia.  When I'm not studying ungodly amounts of information about the human body or forgetting such information with alcohol, I'll be drafting (wildly).
Previous Accomplishments: Winning the clash with Weed Strangle on a 16/16 Hamletback Goliath.

Gandhi Jagasia
Forte: Legacy
Role: Webmaster
For Reals: 23 year old independent web developer/software engineer
I'm out of place in this blog, but I'll be doing a lot of smoothing everything over so that the drafts look good and the site looks good. But I'm no miracle worker; the players are on their own.

Ari "armlx" Lax
Forte: Bitterblossom
Role: Resident "Pro"
For Reals: 20 year old Biomedical Engineering Undergrad at University of Michigan
Previous Accomplishment: Cast Maniacal Rage in AAC per draft than most people did across the format.

Matt "mlmcc1" McCullough
Forte: Mising
Role: Polyurethane Foam
For Reals: 20 year old Chemical Engineering student at University of Michigan
Previous Accomplishments:  I once top 8'd a PTQ where I took a total of 3 damage from Dark Confidants through the entire swiss.  This was the same event where, playing for top 8, my opponent Wrathed my Marit Lage token only to realize what indestructible means.

Dan "BeakerDan" Overbeek
Forte: Block Constructed, Momir Basic
Role: Church of Rome
For Reals: 22-year old University of Michigan graduate, will soon be employed by Epic Systems
Contrary to popular opinion, I actually know how to play the game of Magic, and rarely do make the correct play. Expect me to have blog posts with random side-tracks, but hopefully you'll get something out of them.
Previous Accomplishments: I was playing Kelley in the T8 of a Shadowmoor draft and he played Devoted Druid on 2 and Quillspike on 3.  I burned his Quillspike not paying attention, and in a fit of tilting angst, scooped my cards up and conceded the match.

Kai "Kmaster" Ruan
Forte: Block Constructed, Standard Singleton
Role: Asian Ringer
For Reals: 20 year old Undergraduate at University of Michigan
Previous Accomplishments:  A friend of mine once looked through my draft deck at a 38 person FNM. The first four cards he saw were Sphinx of Jwar Isle, Wolfbriar Elemental, Murasa Pyromancer, and Swamp. I went undefeated that day. Look forward to plenty of wild drafts and PTQ reports from me.

Kyle Dembinski
Forte: Being Awesome
Role: Enabling Ann Arbor Magic players to have decks for four years.
Previous Accomplishments: Won Versus Pro Tour. Survived living with Dan.