Friday, January 14, 2011

Drafting with Dread_ #2 - UZ/UZ/UL

So, after getting pretty bored with SOM drafts, I decided to do a Urza's Saga/Urza's Saga/Urza's Legacy draft for fun.

For those of you unfamiliar with the format, this is the infamous "Pestilence at common" set, where black is by far the best color - at least in Urza's Saga; thanks to cards like Expunge, Befoul, and Corrupt all at common. Black is so good, in fact, that at least half the table will often be drafting black. So far, judging from my (minimal) experience, I would say the basic color rankings are Black Red/Green Blue/White. In terms of archetypes, the format is pretty straightforward, with mostly aggressive decks, and a few slower controllish decks. The theme here is enchantments, and there are a lot of them, so enchantment removal is often maindeckable.

Pack 1, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Briefly thought that Serra Avatar was worth something, but it isn't, so it's Arc Lightning, not close.

Pack 1, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Sticking to the R/G beats plan.

Pack 1, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 9:

My Pick:

There are a lot of good sideboard color hosers in this format. 

Pack 1, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Endless Wurm is the nuts if you have those Auras that come back to your hand when they die, but we don't have any, so I go for the safe pick.

Pack 2, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 5:

My Pick:

The cycle lands are quite good; in fact, almost every cycling card is playable.

Pack 2, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 9:

My Pick:

A Sol Ring against blue decks seems good.

Pack 2, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 2:

My Pick:

(Too) good in Legacy, good in Limited.

Pack 3, Pick 3:

My Pick:

That helps.

Pack 3, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Should be aggressive enough for this to be effective.

Pack 3, Pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 15:

My Pick:

Forgot to save the decklist, but I don't think it's really necessary, since the deck was just R/G dudes plus the removal and Memory Jar.

Round 1: HSF with U/B/w

G1: I get him down to 4 life with an aggressive start before he stabilizes with a Mobile Fort with a Zephid's Embrace.  He plays a 3/3 drake and a 4/4 Veiled Serpent, but I draw into Jagged Lightning and Shower of Sparks to alpha strike him.

SB: +1 Carpet of Flowers

G2: I get a quick Multani out along with 3 other guys thanks to Carpet of Flowers and Sluggishness his blockers to kill him.

Round 2: Joseph_K with B/R

G1: Played some guys out, and used Jagged Lightning and Arc Lightning to clear the way.  He plays a 4/4 Witch Engine, but I have the Sluggishness.

G2: I Ghitu Slinger his Witch Engine after it blocks a 2/2, then play Multani and Memory Jar. I crack the Jar and attack with a 14/14 Multani.

Round 3: Mishra's Sweatshop with R/W

G1: I have an aggressive start but he has the double Cessation to stop me cold. Then he plays Phyrexian Processor for 6 (aka biggest bomb in the format). I have no answer so I scoop.

SB: +1 Disorder +1 Scrap

G2: He gets stuck on two lands and I kill him quickly.

G3: I keep a hand of green creatures and forests, but he plays a Rune of Protection: Green and two white fliers. I have the Disorder to kill his guys but never draw the Mountain I need to cast it. He gets me down to 5 and Lava Axes me for the win.

Fun format, I recommend it to anyone looking to change things up.


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