Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kai Draft #18 (NixTix LLM)

Last week was Nix Tix Lorwyn Block on MODO, so I naturally drafted a lot of that format. I decided to post one of the more interesting drafts. The deck wasn't the best I had nor the worst, rather the games had the most interesting interactions and decisions. Enjoy!

Pack 1, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Walkers gonna walk.
Pack 1, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Ooookay. People have no idea what's going on.
Pack 1, Pick 5:

My Pick:

Best card in the set 5th pick. I'll take it. (Actually probably 3rd ish behind Shriekmaw and possibly Garruk, but you get the idea.)
Pack 1, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 1:

My Pick:

With 2 Mournwhelks and Mulldrifter I actually think Mannequin is stronger than Nameless Inversion.
Pack 2, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Might need this as a win con.
Pack 2, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 3:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Definitely drafting with team real here.
Pack 3, Pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 15:

My Pick:

We have lots of ways to draw cards, and sufficient air force to win the game with. Overall pretty satisfied.

Decided the Fruition wasn't necessary maindeck as the Faeries should evade to victory often enough.

Round 1:campthechamp with G/W
Game 1: My opponent plays suboptimally throughout game 1, including Lignifying an Angler when he had a 2 powered guy I could block. He also attacks 5/7 tree into a board of two 3/3's and a Mulldrifter and chooses to kill the Mulldrifter. His loose play eventually let me grind him out with assorted random creatures.

Game 2: I'm not sure how I beat such hits as Goldmeadow Dodger but I manage to get the win somehow.

Round 2:Theron Martin with W/G
Game 1: He has Goldmeadow Harrier to begin, which prevents me from blocking for quite a few turns. When I've almost stabilized by him wasting a turn attacking Jace, he plays Guardian of Cloverdell which swarms me for the win.

SB: + Festercreep - Sage of Fables
Game 2: He can't beat Weed Pruner Poplar killing his Kithkin and concedes to Broken Ambitions on Cloudgoat Ranger.

Game 3: I get ahead with Evoked Mournwhelk into Weed Pruner, and have draw step Makeshift Mannequin to lock him out.

Finals: Zygonn with R/B
Zygonn is Jonathan Loucks, who writes for Channelfireball and created Scapeshift Zoo last season. We've played a few times before so I knew this would be a good match.

Game 1: I keep a 2 lander on the draw and fail to draw a land in 4 turns and die promptly.

Game 2: He mulls to 5 and I have evoked Mournwhelk + Mannequin to shut him down completely. He draws a Lash Out but the cards I have easily beat his lone 2/2 Elemental.

SB: + Forced Fruition + Zephyr Net + Glimmerdust Nap + Disperse - Sage of Fables -Inkfathom Divers - Spellstutter Sprite - Diviner's Wand
I decided to sideboard into the Forced Fruition package of all stall since his deck was threat light but had lots of removal. The Disperse is good at bouncing my own guy to counter a removal spell sometimes.

Game 3: I drop Fruition after putting his first guy to sleep. He ends up having a Zephyr Net'd Shriekmaw and a War Spike Changling that's able to attack. I'm at 8 and need to draw a removal spell or a way to block his War-Spike (Fencer Clique would be ideal) since he only has 8 cards left and can only cast one spell before dying. I miss on drawing an answer and instead draw the worst card in my deck for the situation(or so I thought). While he should've just played no more spells and hit me with Changling until I died, instead this happens.

He cast Hearthcage Giant, drawing the last 7 of his Library since with the Giant's ability he can pump the Changling and kill me. But I have the Broken Ambitions to counter, so he hits me to 2 and loses next turn.

Lesson Taught.

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