Pack 1, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Pestermite and Lys Alana Huntmaster are also considerable. However the blue tribes, Merfolk and Faeries are the best in the format so I take the Drowner without hesitation.
Pack 1, Pick 2:
My Pick:
Good with Evoke creatures, which the U/B decks tend to have a few of.
Pack 1, Pick 3:
My Pick:
I think Witches is stronger than both Harbinger and Moonglove Extract, and is miles ahead of Sentinels.
Pack 1, Pick 4:
My Pick:
Pretty much committed to Faeries.
Pack 1, Pick 5:
My Pick:
It's an instant for Witch. Potentially splashable and can be brought in against green decks. Captivating Glance was actually used fairly well by one of my opponents as he could stack his deck with Ponder.
Pack 1, Pick 6:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Nath's Buffoon's secret is that it fights Changeling, rather than Elves. Since the majority of good elves have activated abilities anyways. Buffoon holds off giant guys like Changling Titan or Berserker very well. Stalactite will increase our synergy so it is the pick.
Pack 1, Pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 11:
My Pick:
Sometimes, you gotta hate.
Pack 1, Pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 1:
My Pick:
The Cloudthresher is something to be aware of while playing matches. Cloudgoat is out as it is too color intensive and we are definitely a U/B/x deck. Tarfire is removal, an instant for Witches, and is faster than Aethersnipe.
Pack 2, Pick 2:
My Pick:
Could've taken Pilferers here, but Lash Out is top notch removal.
Pack 2, Pick 3:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 4:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 5:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 6:
My Pick:
Here the pick was between the two changlings. Berserker is more aggressive and plays better with creatures that have comes into play abilities.
Pack 2, Pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Wins games.
Pack 3, Pick 2:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 3:
My Pick:
I wasn't sure if red was going to be a base color. Mauler is strong early in the game and has great tribal synergy. In retrospect Pack's Disdain should've been the pick.
Pack 3, Pick 4:
My Pick:
Excellent in our deck.
Pack 3, Pick 5:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 6:
My Pick:
2 lords, better than 1.
Pack 3, Pick 7:
My Pick:
People really don't understand how insane this card is.
Pack 3, Pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 15:
My Pick:
The deck:
I was quite happy with the deck, and figured it would be favored against anything not too bomby. Bitterblossom and Cloudthresher would present interesting problems.
Round 1:
G1: I keep Peppersmoke, Weed-Pruner Poplar, Amoeboid Changling, Faerie Trickery, Makeshift Mannequin, Swamp, and Vivd Crag on the draw. I feel the heat from his squad of Blightsoil Druid, Dewdrop Spy, and Moonglove Winnower. We trade Peppersmokes, him for my Changling and me for his Oona's Prowler. Faerie Trickery proteccts my Drowner from Eyeblight's Ending, but Weed Strangle finishes it off. I leverage Stream of Unconsciousness to kill his Dewdrop in combat, and after the field is cleared my 3/2 Faerie is tapped by Pestermite and I am beaten down to 3. Warren Pilferers off the top for my opponent gets him back his Faerie Harbinger, which fetches Wydwen, the Biting Gale. I draw some lands and die.
G2: I keep a 2 lander on the play and have the Spellstutter + Peppersmoke to cantrip on his Stonybrook Banneret. My development is back on track after missing a third land drop.Sage of Fables into Skeletal Changling + Ink Dissolver provides a fine beatdown squad and I have to Tarfire while he is tapped out to kill his Fencer Clique. He rebuys with Warren Pilferers. My attempt to kill it in combat with Stream of Unconsciousness is thwarted by his own Stream, but mine cantripped. :) I draw Diviner's Wand at the cards it provides me is more than enough to win.
G3: My opener contained Ink Dissolver, Sage's Dousing, Peppersmoke, Dreamspoiler Witches, and 3 lands. I Douse a Dewdrop Spy on 3, then play Witches on 4. I choose not to reveal a Spellstutter sprite with Kinship since it is a strong trick. My Witches is killed by Eyeblight's Ending. His Fencer Clique attempts to race my Dissolver, but is soon relegated to defense against my Spellstutter with Diviner's Wand since the early beats from Dissolver put him behind. Wand on Dissolver brings the heat and Tarfire gets his Clique out of the way. Kinship reveals Drowner and mills his Clique, which he tucked away to the top of his library. Drowner successfully blocks, and my opponent dies on the swing back.
Round 2:
G1: I misplay this game severely. Not doing the math on Diviner's Wand pumping from my cantrips, blocking incorrectly with creatures that had been buffed with Sage of Fables, and just generally being terrible in combat. His deck was R/x Elementals.
Sideboard: + Glimmerdust Nap -Drowner of Secrets.
He has Nova Chaser and multiple Smokebraiders.
G2: He gets stuck on 2 lands for a while. Assorted guys bring the heat.
G3: I mull to 6 on the draw and have 5 lands Sage's Dousing. I keep as 5 cards isn't going to win. I rip Peppersmoke for Brighthearth Banneret and Amoeboid Changling a turn later. He has Inner-Flame Acolyte and hits me for 4. I draw a Sage of Fables but don't play it, leaving up Dousing. Dousing hits Giant Harbinger and my Changling is Moonglove Extracted in response to prevent the Cantrip. I rip Mournwhelk and evoke it, making him discard his last two cards: Shriekmaw and Flameking Harbinger. Whew. I play some the Sage of Fables followed up by Nightshade Schemers. My dudes bring home the W as I play around the second Inner-Flame Acolyte.
Round 3:
G1: I keep a very strong hand of Peppersmoke, Stream of Unconsciousness, Sage of Fables, and Dreamspoiler Witches on the draw. My opponent Oblivion Rings the Sage, and Dreamspoiler is safe. He plays back to back Game Trail Changlings, but is annihilated by Weed-Pruner Poplar and a slew of instants wrecking his combat step. I block a 4/4, and use Stream to turn it into a 0/3. He responds with hardcast Earthbrawn. Fair enough. Postcombat Nath's Elite is eaten by Peppersmoke with the clash trigger on the stack, and I cantrip into Tarfire which finishes off the 2/6 Changling. A Pestermite and Lash Out later he concedes.
SB + Glimmerdust Nap + Whirpool Whelm -Ink Dissolver -Drowner of Secrets.
He has Captivating Glance I can avoid with bounce and fatties I want to take a nap.
G2: I Pestermite him on his 4th upkeep, intentionally tapping his forest instead of plains. He falls for it and plays Oblivion Ring. I follow up with Witch. He plays Lys Alana Huntmaster and Game-Trail Changling. I Mind Shatter his hand of 4 cards, composed of Negate, Mulldrifter, Captivating Glance, and Nath's Elite. I had probably the only card in the format that could beat that hand. Two turns later he is once again being blown out in combat by a 3/3 and three instants.
Top 8:
My only goal for this event was to top 8, in contrast to ACR where I wanted to win the whole thing. As a result once I got to this point I lost a lot of "the fire" and my play and draft suffered as a result. While the deck very good (2 Giant Harbinger, Thundercloud Shaman, Sunrise Sovereign, Incremental Growth,Vigor, 2 Fertile Grounds to splash Mulldrifter) my sloppy play resulted in a quarterfinals exit. I did open a Bitterblossom in pack 3 though so the event was a freeroll in total. :)
Hope you enjoyed reading, comments/questions are always welcome on this blog as well as on the facebook fan page.
1 comment:
i had no idea that hand was 5 lands dousing! now i feel extra terrible at this game...
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