Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kyle M11 Draft #1

I have done a lot of M11 drafts recently and they have all been disasters.  I end up with these UG decks with no real tempo and just some ok cards.  I usually end up getting smashed in the first or second round to something shitty.  At the end of the last one, I decided that I wasn't going to draft green anymore.  This also leads to not really wanting to draft red, since all my red decks end up green for dudes.  I also really wanted to draft the white aggro deck more.  Anyways, we fired up a draft and this is what happened:

Pack 1, Pick 1:

My Pick:

So as I said, I wanted to draft the white deck and didn't want to draft red.  Here pacifism is clearly better then anything other then bolt, and bolt is close.  

Pack 1, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Sticking to the white plan for now.

Pack 1, Pick 3:

My Pick:

This pack sucks.  The green cards are traps.  The blue cards are fine, but at this point I really want to be the white aggro deck, and cancel isn't that great there.  I end up taking Roc Egg, not becuase it is great in my deck, or will even make the deck, but just because I want to cut white.  People seem to love this card even though it is dogshit.   I take it, but it is basically already in my SB.

Pack 1, Pick 4:

My Pick:

TEMPLE BELL!!!!!  So here I debate.  Temple Bell enables the fun mill deck.  Wild Griffin is solid and the correct pick, but it isn't the fun deck.  Unfortunately I have not seen a Jace's Erasier or a Tome Scour to table out of the first 3 packs, so I don't jump on team wild and take the Wild Griffin (ironic isn't it)

Pack 1, Pick 5:

My Pick:

This pack is just shit and more shit.  The rare shit is foil.  So hopefully I can dump it on someone else (get it,eh,eh,eh......fine)

Pack 1, Pick 6:

My Pick:

One of the better cards in the white deck.

Pack 1, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Acceptable, but not amazing.  I don't want to play the Offering, so this is fine.

Pack 1, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Inspired Charge is actually very good in the white deck.  Ideally you end up with a lot of Infantry Veterans, which get big with this.

Pack 1, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Legitimate splash.

Pack 1, Pick 10:

My Pick:

So I have a question to axe you...actually I don't, just take 5 and die.

Pack 1, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 1, Pick 15:

My Pick:

So after pack 1 our deck needs help.  On the plus side, we passed literally 0 good white cards, so we should get the hook up.

Pack 2, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Pretty weak pack, but griffin is fine.

Pack 2, Pick 2:

My Pick:

Vom.  So I could take the excommunicate, but I didn't hide the Axe's yet and had visions of being Wr.  Might have been wrong.

Pack 2, Pick 3:

My Pick:

Well these first 3 picks have been Sqhawkward.

Pack 2, Pick 4:

My Pick:

This guy is actually just the lynchpin of the deck.  You want a lot and just make your bears too big.

Pack 2, Pick 5:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 6:

My Pick:

This is the reward for taking the Roc Egg.

Pack 2, Pick 7:

My Pick:

And now we have a deck.  We just need some bears.

Pack 2, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Still considering red as a splash.  This guy is very good with Veterans.

Pack 2, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Got lucky and the 2nd pick didn't matter.  Got both cards we wanted.

Pack 2, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 2, Pick 15:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 1:

My Pick:

Might be the best 2 drop in the deck.  Blinding Mage doesn't fight as well.

Pack 3, Pick 2:

My Pick:

He doesn't fight very well.  In the games, he also never activated.  He did attack for probably 10 damage though.

Pack 3, Pick 3:

My Pick:

I hate this card.  But I don't really care about any of the other cards.

Pack 3, Pick 4:

My Pick:

Forgot I had him...Seems fine, but never drew him so....

Pack 3, Pick 5:

My Pick:


Pack 3, Pick 6:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 7:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 8:

My Pick:

Not even considering cutting one.  Might play #5-6-7-8-9-23 if I had them....He is that good.  On the down side, can never beat a Pyroclasm.

Pack 3, Pick 9:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 10:

My Pick:

Makes the first one less Sqhawkward

Pack 3, Pick 11:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 12:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 13:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 14:

My Pick:

Pack 3, Pick 15:

My Pick:

The deck ended up like this:

The deck is fast.  1 drop into 2 drop is hard to beat for a lot of decks.

Round 1 is unexciting.  I play dudes.  He just plays lands for the first couple of turns, then he dies.
Game 2 he misses his 3rd land drop for a turn.  The I Excomunicate his drop when he hits on t4.  Then I Inspired Charge to kill it and 6 him.  Then I Pacifism his next drop.  The he dies.  On the downside, I finished the match before anyone else finished a game.

Round2 I don't remember much.  He is playing UG that is very slow.  I am making food at the time, so my interest in the game is pretty low.  I smash him game 1 when he just doesn't play anything t1 or 2.
Game 2 I mull to 5 and end up just having a White Knight bashing.  He counters a lot of my spells which is awkward since I don't have a fast start.  We end up just bashing back and forth for a few turns while I draw lands and pump spells.  He knocks me down to 2 and casts Azure Drake.  I eot Outrage it and him down to 6.  Attack with White Knight, Inspired Charge and Mighty Leap to make him a 6.  Unfortunatly the leap comes up a little short when he Diminishes my hopes of winning.
Game 3 I play guys.  He spends his time countering random dudes while the original ones beat down.  Then he dies.

Round 3 is entertaining.  The games are the same as before.  I play guys, smash his face in.  Game 2 the same thing happens.  Just all bash.  Then, when I attack for lethal, he decides to complain.  See the chats below:

Notice the artifact in play.  Anyways, this is part of the reason I really hate people.  Everyone says the same Good Luck at the start of the game.  It isn't that they really care, if is PROGRAMMED in as a one click.  It doesn't make you a better person to click that button.  You aren't less of a jerk if you do it.  NOBODY CARES!  Just play the game.  Anyways, after his original comment, I decide to troll him a little.  Although, looking back, the correct response might have been "?, no hablo ingles".  Or just "HUD".

Anyways, the white deck is insane.  Infantry Veterans are the key to the deck though.

1 comment:

Kmaster said...

should've gone with ? no hablo ingles.

I tried to talk to a ringer once after block daily. That's what I got for a response.