Pack 1, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Like I said, I take a green card over most. Domestication is probably a better uncommon, vendetta might be a better card also. Doesn't matter, sticking to the colors.
Pack 1, Pick 2:
My Pick:
I don't think Repacious one is that great. I would rather ramp into Cursher in my green deck.
Pack 1, Pick 3:
My Pick:
Nest Invader really doesn't do anything in the ramp deck. Crusher number 2 might be good, but I usually end up black for removal anyways, so this guy is very good.
Pack 1, Pick 4:
My Pick:
This card is just a bomb. I am not sure what could possibly have been in the pack to take over it. I don't know that there are many, if any commons or uncommons I would take over it.
Pack 1, Pick 5:
My Pick:
Well, green is open.
Pack 1, Pick 6:
My Pick:
I think this guy is underrated, but the pack is weak anyways.
Pack 1, Pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 8:
My Pick:
I really hate this guy actually. I know everyone keeps talking about him so I figured I would take him and maybe the deck would end up that way.
Pack 1, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 12:
My Pick:
This card is very good in the ramp deck. Especially when my bomb is also colorless.
Pack 1, Pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 15:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Here is where things start to get a little weird. I am not sure what is a better splash, Brimstone Mage or Narcolepsy. I generally don't like blue and red might allow me to pick up more removal later to splash on top of this.
Pack 2, Pick 2:
My Pick:
Good thing I took the mage. There is also GGGGGGGG, but that is not needed when you can cast Crusher instead.
Pack 2, Pick 3:
My Pick:
This might be one of the worst packs I have seen in awhile. I don't like counters against my deck. Nothing else matters.
Pack 2, Pick 4:
My Pick:
A key to the deck. Will also let me splash the Mage/Staggershock easier.
Pack 2, Pick 5:
My Pick:
The other key to the strategy. Hopefully the 11 drop will table and I can pick up a little bit more ramp to play him.
Pack 2, Pick 6:
My Pick:
This card is very good in the deck, especially when I don't have a Wurm. The life gain is important in case you got overrun in the start of the game.
Pack 2, Pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Now I can definitely play 3 colors with no problems.
Pack 2, Pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 15:
My Pick:
TABLE.You guys have to move to build. Suckers....
Pack 3, Pick 1:
My Pick:
There are a lot of viable options. I don't like the Bear Umbra, and the black leveler is not really what the ramp deck needs. Preadator might be better, but idk.
Pack 3, Pick 2:
My Pick:
As I voted, I think vendetta is better then Staggershock.
Pack 3, Pick 3:
My Pick:
I have a lot of early removal now, I should not get overrun.
Pack 3, Pick 4:
My Pick:
Probably better then the 11 drop
Pack 3, Pick 5:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 6:
My Pick:
This pack is stacked still! I wonder what was taken so far. This guy is very good and should give me something to do with random spawn later.
Pack 3, Pick 7:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 8:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 10:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 11:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 12:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 13:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 15:
My Pick:
The deck ended up pretty wild. I was a little concerned with the mana, but with the two wilds, the growth, giant and the 2 ancient stirrings it should be fine. I can't play the bloodlord because of colors. The rest is pretty straight forward.
Round 1: This guy was a master. He had the impressive curve of Ogre sentry into Tuktuk into lizard. Not sure how I survived that one. I did get tucked a few times before I could really handle the 5/5. Eventually I played a crusher. He regressed. I played it again. He narcolepsyed it. I played another. He traded. I played another. It got him.
Game 2 wasn't much different. He played Battle Rampart into Lagac Lizard. Then missed his 5th land drop for some turns. He countered some Crushers. But the Broodwarden got him.
Round 2: He has a Wug aura deck with two spiritdancers. No Aura Gnarlids though. Game one I get greedy and get blown out. He has a Dawnglow Invoker with a +1/1 aura on it. I wait to Staggershock it until his eot. He playes Eel Umbra and I just am too far behind at that point. I end up one turn short on the Keening Stone. If I could have activated the turn it came it I would have been fine.
SB: -1 Crusher +1 Leaf Arrow
G2 neither of us do anything real for the first few turns. The first creature is Nema Siltlurker, go ahead look it is the green 3/5. Did I mention green was his splash? Nice deck. Anyways, he ends up playing a spiritdancer and cycling some auras. I untap, oust it and eventually get keening stone in play. He dies 3 turns later.
G3 is crazy. My had is all removal and no real action. I take some damage, he survival caches for some life and cards. It ends up that he has no action and I have Brimstone Mage. I have 3 removal spells in hand, but have no real need to play anything. I tempo loss myself a ton by leaving Vendetta open the entire game. I just slowly ping him down, knowing that I will eventually hit a finisher and he will die. I can probably just kill him with my tokens, Broodwarden and Magmaw, but doesn't matter. He eventually playes a crusher before me. I untap, draw my own, oust his and play mine. Next turn I finally attack him and he dies. Could have done that awhile ago, but more fun this way.... I split the finals for the QP against another GW aura deck. Could probably crush him, but drogie lost and I didn't really want to play anymore.
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