Pack 1, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Pack 1, Pick 2:
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I think the pick here was defensibly Overgrown Battlements. Then again Stone is a stone cold bomb... hehe.
Pack 1, Pick 3:
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Pack 1, Pick 4:
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Pack 1, Pick 5:
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Pack 1, Pick 6:
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Pack 1, Pick 7:
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Pack 1, Pick 8:
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Pack 1, Pick 9:
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Pack 1, Pick 10:
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Pack 1, Pick 11:
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Pack 1, Pick 12:
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Pack 1, Pick 13:
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Pack 1, Pick 14:
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Pack 1, Pick 15:
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Pretty self explanatory pack. Stuck to the green strat, looking to go into black to support Vendetta well.
Pack 2, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Aura Gnarlid and Boar Umbra are much better cards. But you have to have a plan in this format. Not just take generically strong cards. I'm commited to spawn token / ramp strategy so I'm sticking to it.
Pack 2, Pick 2:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 3:
My Pick:
Around this pick Kelley informs me he got passed a Hellcarver Demon but can't take it as he's not in black. His pick is Heat Ray. I tell him the Demon will probably get to me, he disagrees.
Pack 2, Pick 4:
My Pick:
Pack 2, Pick 5:
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Pack 2, Pick 6:
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Pack 2, Pick 7:
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Sometimes, we just have the sick reads.
Pack 2, Pick 8:
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Pack 2, Pick 9:
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Pack 2, Pick 10:
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Pack 2, Pick 11:
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Pack 2, Pick 12:
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Pack 2, Pick 13:
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Pack 2, Pick 14:
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Pack 2, Pick 15:
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Pack 3, Pick 1:
My Pick:
Warden and Corpsehatch are both very strong. I think Consume is the best pick given the deck I'm drafting. It is antisynergistic with spawn, but the spawn always get used to block or accelerate anyways. The sweeper effect can completely crush a leveler deck or an opposing spawn based deck.
Pack 3, Pick 2:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 3:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 4:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 5:
My Pick:
The deck needs a little more speed, so the wall over the 2nd Vampire is the pick.
Pack 3, Pick 6:
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Pack 3, Pick 7:
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Pack 3, Pick 8:
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This was an experiment. The 7/6 isn't necessary as a finisher since we have plenty. The Gorger is insane against Jund colors. It will also help filter our draws as we may clog up with too many high cmc cards.
Pack 3, Pick 9:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 10:
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Pack 3, Pick 11:
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Pack 3, Pick 12:
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Pack 3, Pick 13:
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Pack 3, Pick 14:
My Pick:
Pack 3, Pick 15:
My Pick:
I was very happy with this draft. Had to make some decisions during deckbuilding.
I chose to leave the Gorger in the board and bring it in if my opponent shows the appropriate lack of Guard Duty/Narcolepsy. Perish the Thought is a card I've learned to respect and is very powerful in this deck as casting it on an opponent who was slowrolling against the Demon just ends the game.
Round 1: R/G
Game 1: I play Growth Spasm into turn 4 Hellcarver. He has no answer and a Consume the Meek off of the second attack killing his Emerakul's Hatcher tokens prompts the concession.
SB: - Bloodrite Invoker + Thought Gorger
Game 2: He plays some guys that don't beat my Ondu Giant. I play out a Broodwarden and attack. He has a 3/1 Soulsurge Elemental but is unable to solve my 6/6 Gorger and dies.
Round 2: U/W levelers
From replays I know he has Coralhem Commander, Venerated Teacher, Eel Umbra, and white Invoker. A very solid deck.
Game 1: He plays some guys. They are pretty useless against my Tuskcaller pumping out Elephants.
Game 2: He shows value lope to get Drake Umbra. I succumb to not drawing Vendetta in time.
SB: +2 Naturalize +1 Shrivel -1 Bloodrite Invoker -1 Bloodthrone Vampire -1 Keening Stone
He showed multiple Lone Missionaries in game 2 so Shrivel is good. Naturalize deals with Umbras and Keening Stone and Vampire aren't needed as win cons.
Game 3: I Shrivel a Skywatcher Adept and Vendetta Makindi Griffin while suiting up Ondu Giant with Ogre Cleaver. His value lope gets Drake Umbra which is Naturalized. He has nothing and dies to 7/4 Giant and Crusher.
Finals: B/W/r bombs
I know he has Nirkana Revenant, Drana, multiple Soulbound Guardians, Cadaver Imps, and a slight red splash for Forked Bolt.
Game 1: I get Ondu Giant into Hellcarver Demon to stare off against his Guardian and 2/1 flier. Ogre Cleaver allows the Giant to trade with Guardian and Vampire comes down eager for blood. He regrows the 4/5 with Cadaver Imp. I don't attack with Demon for a long while since I know he has Oust. So I was planning on using Keening Stone as my win con while grinding through his blockers with my guys. Nirkana from him changes the race math so I equip up the demon and bash for 11. He had the option to chump with 4/5 but declined. Demon flips Vendetta, Nest Invader, and Skittering Invasion. He does nothing on his turn. Next demon hit reveals 3 dudes and he concedes.
SB: -1 Consume the Meek -1 Vendetta +1 Bloodrite Invoker +1 Thought Gorger
He doesn't have any creatures that Consume is good against, and I don't really need Vendetta just to beat 4/5's with defender. Gorger is good as he hasn't shown Guard Duty and the Invoker is just another way to finish the game.
Game 2: I accelerate into turn 4 Demon. This is the position on turn 5.
What would you guys take?
I ended up taking the Summons. It was his only way to interact with me. The Demon has him on a slightly over 2 turn clock because of the lifelink on the 1/2. If his next play is Shade and Summons for 2 5/5's I would have to completely brick on the following Demon hit to be in a losing position. He can't cast the 4/5 unless he topdecks white mana, which is completely fine as it means another turn of him not having a real solution to Demon. Nirkana isn't really an issue as any creature off the demon hit will be enough to stop it from beating my face, and even as a super shade he won't have enough for a 1 hit kill.
He ended up topdecking the Plains and played Guardians then Nirkana. My Demon didn't fail me and took down another 8-4.
I missed the first three picks and never recovered, drafted a shitty g/r deck that HAD to splash blue (Narco, Eel Umbra) and Black (Skeletal Wurm and Dread Drone) to just have enough playables.
We lost in R1 to the guy Kai beat in the finals that had Drana on 5 G1 (ate my flame slash) and Revenant on 6 (ate my narcolepsy). He rebought his drana and ousted his revenant. We drew shit.
GGs for beating him.
I think I would take the land. But then again, I almost always take the land there. If he doesn't rip a land, he really can't interact with you. If he rips the plains, it doesn't really do anything there. If he rips any other land and then does the plan you were suggesting of shade and 5/5s, he is probably just dead anyways.
I don't think there is a way for you to lose that game regardless. You could probably have taken a dump and still won, provided you came back in less then 10 minutes.
BTW you're welcome for completely scouting that guy for you and letting you know every single piece of removal he had, including that Oust :)
The only way you lose that game is if he gains 4 or more life in addition to the lifelink dude, because then your clock becomes 4 turns instead of 3 and you probably deck yourself. (happened to me once) This scenario is more likely than him being able to outrace you, since you're flipping blockers with the demon.
You probably take the land here to prevent him from doing something like Ogre's Cleaver on the Null, or something ridiculous like Suffer the Past for 4.
"The Dump Slowroll"
I think soulbound guardian was the pick. He actually wins if he draws plains, chumps with guardian, then draws oust. Depending on your demon, he could potentially still be in the game if he draws the oust a turn later instead.
If you take the guardian and the top 2 cards of his library are perfect, you at least get another demon hit in before getting ousted.
Only way summons is going to kill you is if you brick twice. I think it's the worst card in his hand because he loses if he casts it.
I find it very unlikely that ogre's cleaver would be in his deck, and I don't see how suffer the past for 4 does anything?
I think his only additional "out" if he gets the keep the land is Drana + try to trade the turn after, which seems really weak
on second thought, drana + try to trade seems reasonable, so maybe the land was the pick. i think it's pretty close.
He's most likely to draw a plains next turn since he almost certainly has more plains than any other card in his deck, and soulbound guardians is actually time walk if he can cast it.
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