Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27th - Nats Qualifier CawBlade

In today's installment of Daily Decks, I will show you the CawBlade deck I played at last Saturday's Nationals Qualifier at Get Your Game On. Tournament report will be coming soon.

Before Regionals I talked about Caw and why I believed it was the deck to play. Unfortunately some shenanigans regarding my phone prevented me from going, so it was time to step up my game a week later at the GYGO qualifier. I played the following list:

I chose the 4 Inkmoth route instead of 4 Tec Edge as I didn't respect Valakut enough. Inkmoth is an excellent Sword holder, and just having one in play makes opposing Jaces fateseal instead of Brainstorm. I was happy with the majority of the list.

Into the Roil was fantastic. I used it to bounce an opposing Mystic and to time walk an Overgrown Battlement. I also played against Precursor Golems from Valakut, but failed to draw it when it would've been amazing.

The Celestial Purge was intended to answer Koth, but I brought it in against B/R Vampires to good effect.

Twisted Image killed Overgrown Battlement twice, and I brought it in against Golem decks as another value card when Oust would've been bad.

Spell Pierce I actually never cast, and will likely be replacing it with a more aggressive card like Emeria Angel, Hero of Bladehold, or Tumble Magnet.

The I lost three games on the day, and two of them I misplayed pretty heavily before bricking on many outs. The deck's power level was absurd, with many games just totally out of grasp for my opponents by turn 5.  I highly recommend anyone playing in Qualifiers this weekend to play CawBlade.


Anonymous said...

I was definitely the one who got his battlement into the roiled and twisted imaged.

Anonymous said...

No machete in the sideboard? No wonder you played so badly.