Thursday, December 30, 2010

Extended Daily with Faeries

Hi everyone, welcome back to the Rusty Machete. Content's been a bit low due to finals and then the holidays, but we'll have a lot of new articles ready for you when 2011 comes! To bring in the New Year and wet your appetite for the next PTQ season, I'll walk you through a Magic Online Extended Daily Event I played in with Faeries and what I learned. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Bastille #2 - Attacking from all angles, and faxing questions. Part 1. (PTQ winner’s report)

Welcome friends and perusers to my second article.  I had been meaning to write one for some time now but could not think of anything interesting to write about.  I mentioned in my last article that I would write about a blue/white do-nothing standard deck, but I decided that I would rather not shame myself by writing about an untested deck that featured Archive Traps and Rest for the Weary.  So…winning this last Detroit PTQ came just in time to give me something to write about, and I would have done it sooner but I’m lazy (I also thought that seeing the pool I was gifted would discredit my win, but I still had to play 8 rounds and draft in the top 8).

Well, let’s get to it; here’s the pool I opened and the deck I built out of it: 

Legacy Mox Tournament Report

Last Saturday, Get Your Game On held a legacy tournament, with first place being a Mox Emerald and the rest of the top 8 getting other fairly good prizes. I don't have much experience in the format, having only played in a handful of weekly events with decks I've borrowed from others, but after clearing my schedule for Saturday and confirming I'd be able to get the necessary cards I decided to give the event a shot.