Saturday, October 30, 2010

Feature Article - The Bastille-Bastion of Basem #1

Greetings my fellow magicians, my name is Basem Askoul, and I am very excited to debut my very first magic article here.  Most of you know me from Get Your Game On where I've had some modest success across various formats; I also have in my possession one PTQ top 8 pin (did it!).  That nonsense aside, I like to believe that people know/respect me due to my friendly attitude and funky deck design (some good, mostly bad).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feature Article - Mike Shentu Draft #1

Glad to be able to finally draft Scars, because M11 really was not fun at all. Let's get started.

Pack 1, Pick 1:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kai Draft #25 (SOM 8-4)

I've drafted this format a total of four times before today. And one of those was a disastrous PTQ Top 8 draft. That also happened to be the only draft I didn't draft poison. Well, it's time to learn what to do when the infect creatures aren't coming.

Pack 1, Pick 1:

Road House (Write for us!)

About 2 months ago I had moved to Ann Arbor and most of my free time was being gobbled up by work and more work.  I haven't been able to keep up with what is being posted on The Rusty Machete and I haven't had time to edit articles into works of art.

Time heals all wounds.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kai Draft #24 (SOM 8-4)

Scars of Mirrodin is now available for drafting online. Let's go!

Pack 1, Pick 1:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kelley's guide on how to top 4 FNM having never played the set!

I had not been able to play Scars up to Friday because I had to work the last two weekends.  Usually I will attend the Fat Pack Battle, Prerelease, and Release events, but this time it just didn't work.  I didn't even get to pick up my preordered boxes until Friday.

So basically I had no freaking clue what I was going to do.  I knew that the planeswalkers were good, Ratchet Bomb, most of the mythics, etc, but I had no idea what commons or uncommons were good at all.

Friday, October 15, 2010

A PTQ Top 4... and More!

Today, I talk a bit about what Scars limited has to offer, both in terms of sealed and in terms of drafting, and featuring examples from this weekend's past PTQ in Detroit. With the limited PTQ season in full swing and two limited GPs coming up, this may be the most (or only) relevant article I ever write!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Insights into Standard.

With the new standard format still fairly new there is still a lot to figure out as far as what deck you want to play, which cards are good, and which cards are not really all that good. There is just so many different decks and cool ideas. So I am just going to offer some insight on what I think are the best cards to play and talk about what I think the best deck in standard is. I will also cover the cards that seem neat, but we should stay away from.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jokesin' with MonoBlue

Howard's brought you the aggressive Joros deck, now check out his spin on control.

Introducing: Jokesin' with MUC

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

8 Reasons to be Attacking in Scars Draft

So you're playing in a PTQ this season, and you made top 8 on the back of a busted sealed pool with plenty of removal and every bomb imaginable. You're pumped, thinking you should have a good shot of winning a free trip to Paris and the PT invite.

Wait, now you have to draft? Hmm, guess all those bombs aren't going to help you anymore. I guess you have to learn how to compete with fair cards.

MI States 2010 *Top 8*

This past weekend I attended MI States and Top 8'd the event with Valakut. Read on for gameplay, fun stories, and tales of Trusty Machete!

Reaching for Victory - 2 - Sealed Build

Sealed Build for Richard Franklin's pool, PTQ Paris on 10/10/10 in Garden City.

What do you like, and what do you not like about it?  Post it up in the comments!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Reaching for Victory - 1 - Build this pool!

Richard Franklin has given us his sealed pool from the PTQ on 10/10/10, and this is great practice for anyone who intends on trying to qualify.  Show us how you would build it in the comment section!

How Rich built it will automatically be published tonight at midnight.

(Edit: Forgot to include the land.  There is a Blackcleave Cliffs.)

Sealed Pool | The Rusty Machete

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Obligatory States Article

I'm going to apologize up front that this article does not contain decklists. If you were planning on straight copying a 75 with some sideboarding advice, I recommend you legitimately learn how to compete in large events.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pre-States Standard

With school and quiz bowl starting up, I've been a little busy lately, but I'm back to offer my views on standard going into states and some strategies that I think might (not) be viable.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jokesin' with Joros Part II

Note: for those of you seeing Joros for the first time, please check out this article first.

So yeah, it’s been about a week since my last article! I hope SOME of you took the time to try running this deck, but if you didn’t cause the deck looked so jank, it’s understandable. I did a lot of play testing with the build I wrote about, and it did well...extremely well.